Hair Cutting Scissor Cleaning Guide | Maintain Hair Cutting Shears

September 29, 2021 7 min read

Hair Cutting Scissor Cleaning Guide | Maintain Hair Cutting Shears - Scissor Hub Australia

It is commonly used for bladed tools. Bladed tools and weapons comprise knives or scissors as well as swords. These tools may work for a long time without causing any problems. They can eventually get dull and rough. Sharpening stones are employed in order to polish knives. It's not the same for scissors.

There are a variety of ways to do it. All boils down to cutting the scissors. Hairdressers and barbers frequently make use of scissors. They need regular clean-up and care. Professional hairdressers recommend that scissors be cleaned and sharpened regularly.

While there are various DIY options on the internet, it is not recommended to use all of them. There is a chance of hurting your scissor's cutting edges. Sharpening stones, though they can be helpful but is not something that should be used for. Use these tips from experts. Here are some fantastic and simple ways to sharpen and take care of your scissors at your home. 

The Three Steps To Cleaning Your Hair Cutting Scissors

These are the top-rated care guidelines for hair-cutting scissors. These will help make sure your scissors last for a long time with their performance and dependability.

  • Make use of an alcohol-based cleaner lot of hair products are made from water-insoluble substances that are not water-soluble.
  • This could lead to the accumulation of dirt on your cutting tools and can cause an increase in the cutting efficiency.
  • These items aren't eliminated by water and soap.
  • It is crucial to scrub your scissors with Isopropyl alcohol so as to get rid of any residue.
  • Add it to an old paper towel and wipe the blades clean as well.
  • The alcohol can also cleanse off the blade.
  • You shouldn't make use of barbicide to clean or disinfect your cutting tools.

Be aware that incorrect tension could result in RSI (Repetitive Strain Injuries). This can affect the cutting performance of the blade and result in injury to cutting edges.

  • Isopropyl alcohol is dangerous and should not be stored in a heated area.
  • Avoid contact for long periods with skin.
  • Do not inhale, swallow, or chew.

Use a Chamois Cloth To Clean

An Chamois cloth could be classified as kind made of leather. A majority of kits and sets of scissors contain a maintenance kit which includes a cloth designed to cleanse your scissors.

  • The chamois flat on the palm of your hand.
  • Use the chamois clean the exterior of the blade.
  • Make use of the chamois to cleanse on the blade's inside.
  • This procedure smooths out every edge of the blade.
  • It's a lot like the motion of stropping it is similar to stropping with a razor. Be careful not to cut yourself hair or cut the hair of the chamois.
  • Use the chamois using extra care to ensure that you don't cut yourself.

Oiling Scissors After Cleaning

  • It is crucial to grease your scissors each throughout the day.
  • The oil helps keep the scissor in good condition. It also allows hair or dirt move over the screw.
  • Start the Scissor, and apply grease between each blade.
  • Make sure to keep Camellia oil away from the direct light.

To adjust tension on the scissor

  • The scissor supports your thumb's ring. Keep the tips upwards at 12 o'clock.
  • The other hand should grab the rings on your fingers. Then, you can open the blades of your scissors with your other hand between 35 and 45 degrees. Release the ring on your finger and the scissor will shut on its own.
  • The space between them should measure about 1cm-2cm.
  • The tips must be joined when the scissor isn't sufficient tight.
  • In the event that the ends are close move the scissor away until it is adjusted correctly.

Tips & Tricks When Cleaning Your Hair Cutting Shears

Start by the cleaning of your scissors. There are numerous cleaning techniques that professional barbers and hairdressers employ. Sometimes, they'll suggest wipe it clean with an item of cloth. It's not enough. For cleaning your hair cutting tools it is essential to use an expert method that is proved to work. This is a simple and effective method of cleaning your cutting blades.


Dishwash soap or water might not be enough to remove all gunk . It could build up when repeated use. Make use of a paint thinner to get rid of the gunk and air the area. To eliminate any sticky residue, apply paint thinner. Also, wash the blades of your scissor free of dirt and dirt.


It's dependent on the condition of the scissor, the type of cleaning product you must employ. Sometimes, glue is found around the cutting edges.

Haircutting knives have a flat edge which makes them easy to clean by using an alcohol-based cotton ball and a liquid.

It is possible to use a sponge to wash the blades, especially its rougher side. If the blades begin to rust, then you can employ a cotton ball to clean them. The cotton ball must be immersed with white vinegar.


If you wish your scissors to remain well-maintained and sharp, oiling the connection of the two blades vital. Apply oil to the screw by using a soft, clean cloth. This process of oiling should be repeated each month. This will make sure that the blades run effortlessly and without friction. Make use of a small amount of oil, but be sure that you remove all oil from the blades prior to applying it to the next time.

Why You Should Sharpen Your Scissors After Cleaning


Sharpening tools are the most efficient method of sharpening you hair cutting tools at home. If your scissors aren't operating well and you don't want to do any harm, you should seek out an expert.

It is recommended that you get your scissor sharpened professionally However, you are able to make one yourself at your home. This is referred to as whetstone. You can use plain water or oil to wash stones' surfaces. From the top to the base mark an edge that cuts across all the way around the stones. In order to sharpen the scissor you'll require about 15 strokes.


Rotary tools are a effective and cool method to sharpen your cutting tools at your home. This electric tool is perfect for sharpening your cutting knives. The vise must be employed to secure the blade of your scissor. Attach a grinding wheel the tool that rotates. Switch on your motor and place the stone against it. After repeating the process you will have an improved scissor.


To sharpen your cutting blades, use the sewing pin. Make use of the scissor for making cuts on the pin. When the scissor has closed shut it, then remove the pin away from the blades.

You can repeat this procedure until you've got a sharp cutting edge of the scissor. To get rid of any metallic bits, clean the blades using a cloth after sharpening the edges. Metal particles can be stuck to blades when you sharpen them using sewing needles. They could cause injuries and risk. Be sure to get rid of them when your scissor blades are sharpened!


These are the most effective and most tested methods to improve the sharpness of your scissor blades. These techniques can result in serious injuries to your scissor blades therefore be cautious. To ensure that your scissor blades are clean and safe, ensure that you adhere to these steps.

Professionals suggest that you regularly cleaning and disinfecting the cutting shears you use. This will not only help keep your shears in great functioning condition and allow them to be more durable, but it is mandatory by many states for reasons of hygiene. Storage and usage that is safe is crucial to maintain your scissors.

Thoroughly Clean Your Haircutting Shears Cleaning

Cleaning and sanitizing regularly are vital for haircut maintenance. Every barbershop or salon will have their own requirements for cleaning the shear.

The thorough cleaning processes often require you to wash and clean the shears between customers. It's recommended not to cut hair using the shears simultaneously. This can prevent hair bits from becoming cut when you go to the hairstylist or barber. Shears shouldn't be dried using water, cleaning products or sweat. The shears could look dull and dull.

The proper cleaning of scissors for haircutting requires washing them using the use of soap as well as water. Drying them out is followed by washing them with clean water. In the end, a quaternion, or ruby alcohol sanitizer is recommended to clean the shears. After drying and washing an autoclave could be employed.

Cleansing and hygiene routinely throughout the day. Then regularly applying oil to the hair cutting tools will help keep them in great condition.

The oiling of your blades will extend the life of your scissors and also ensure that they are operating in top condition.

Barbers and hairdressers frequently use oil on their shears following an extended day. This prevents the shears from getting stiff and rusty, which allows the smooth and controlled and effective cutting.

The shears that are stiff or rusty could cause hand pain for the professional , and poor cuts for the customer. It is important to use hair shear oil can help remove any hairs that are stuck or debris that may be a problem for the hair cutting scissors. It is recommended to rotate the scissors up to 45 degrees. Then, put a tiny amount of shear oil over the joint at the middle.

The blades will be held to each other. Use a soft cloth rub the oil onto the edges of your cutting blades and the sides of the scissors that are flat. The shears may get slippery if they're too oily.

Properly Store Your Cutting Shears

The best way to guard as well as dry out the hair cutting scissors is to wash their surfaces, dry them and then apply oil to them. This will extend their lifespan and will help maintain the quality of your shears. After your shears have been cleaned and secured, you should keep them in a safe container with an absorbent and soft lining that will shield your shears from damage by the weather. It is recommended that you store your shears in their storage container. You are at risk of the blades could be damaged when shears or other tools hit one another. Make sure the case is clean.

Use The Right Tension To Avoid Dirt Build-up

The blades need to not only be sharp but also user-friendly. A shear's tension could impact the way they are used and cut.

A lot of tension could cause damage to your blades and cause more stress to your hands. Poor haircuts can result from a loose tension on your cutting tools.

They will be unable for cutting hair but will be able to bend it. It is vital to have the shears sharpened with an expert sharpener or a company in case they get dull.

Professional sharpening is when the shears have been sharpened with tools and techniques that will not cause damage to the scissors.

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